We’ve all heard that sugar rots your teeth. But believe it or don’t, there may be something even worse: sugar and starch together. At least, that’s the case with root decay, according to a study just published in Caries Research. For it, researchers created typical dental biofilms – plaque – on slabs of root dentin. […]
tooth decay
Before You Drink That Orange Juice to “Protect Against the Flu”…
Not a day passes that you don’t see one news story or another about just how terrible this flu season is, stirring up a lot of anxiety. According to recent reports, this has more Americans reaching out for orange juice “in a frantic effort to avoid the illness.” Sales of the drink rose by 0.9%, […]
When Baby Teeth Decay
You know you live in a sugar-saturated environment when nearly half of all kids experience decay in their primary (baby) teeth by the age of 11. Yet even if you strive to eat healthfully and help your kids practice good hygiene at home, problems can arise. This is one reason why regular dental checkups and […]
Have Dentists Come Down Too Hard on Dried Fruit?
What did Dr. Glaros learn in dental school that seems as true four decades later as it did back then? Here it is: “Avoid retentive, fermentable carbohydrates!” In other words, don’t eat the sticky, sugary stuff. “But what if it’s natural?” some folks might ask. Let’s look at fruit juice, for instance. It’s certainly natural […]
It Starts with Quitting the Sugar
We’ve said it before: If you want to keep your teeth healthy and whole for a lifetime, you’ve got to limit the sugar. It’s as simple as that. As one 2015 paper put it, Without sugars, the chain of causation is broken, so the disease does not occur. So a new study in the Journal […]
There’s No Regrowing Teeth (Not Yet, Anyway)
When folks hear about curing tooth decay naturally, some seem to picture a perfectly healed tooth that looks exactly like the others around it, white and strong and unblemished. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. A human tooth is made of three main layers of tissue. The smooth, thin, glossy layer on the outside is […]
Breastfeeding Causes Cavities? Actually, It May Protect Against Decay
There are plenty of reasons why breastfeeding matters, starting with the basic fact that it’s naturally our first food. Just as we weren’t designed to eat the hyper-processed junk that gets passed off as food in your local grocery store, we weren’t designed to thrive on manufactured formula and pap through our first years of […]
A Whole Lot of Infection Going On…
In our office, sterilization is a very big deal – so big, we devote a whole page of this site to how we protect against harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microbes in our day-to-day work. It’s a basic part of supporting your overall health and well-being. The importance of this was underscored last week by […]