Did you catch the terrific article Dr. Mercola posted last week on the science of the relationship between positive emotions and health? (If you didn’t, go check it out now. We’ll wait for you.) Yet all too often in such discussions, oral health tends to get overlooked – even as we know that negative emotions […]
gum disease
Oral Health & Living a Long, Healthy Life
Dr. Reinhold Voll, the German physician whose work provides a good deal of the foundation of biological dentistry, famously observed that 90% of all physical illness can be traced to the mouth. Instantly, you might be thinking of things like mercury amalgam fillings, root canal teeth, and cavitations. After all, these are some of the […]
Everything Old Is New Again – The Oral-Systemic Link
If you know Dr. Weston Price, it’s probably for his landmark research on how the modern Western diet affects the development and health of the teeth and jaws. Yet through his root canal research, he was also largely responsible for popularizing an idea called focal infection theory. This is the idea that local problems can […]
Are You in the Gum Disease Majority?
If you’re American and over 30, you’ve probably got periodontal disease to one degree or another. As many as 75% do. If your gums look red and puffy, or if they bleed when you brush or floss, bingo – you’re in the majority. But just because something is the norm doesn’t mean that it’s good […]
Hate to Floss? Other Options for Cleaning Between Your Teeth
When it comes to your regular home hygiene, our motto is “floss first.” But of course we know there are some folks who dislike flossing so much, they’ll opt to “forget first” and just brush their teeth instead. Maybe it’s how the floss feels wrapped around their fingers. Maybe they don’t like sticking their fingers […]
Choosing the Chow You Chew
If healthy eating is the norm for you, junk food – starchy, sugary, simple carb foods – likely has little appeal. In fact, eating it can probably make you feel really sick, really fast. On the other hand, those who tend to eat mostly hyper-processed foods may find it hard to imagine any pleasure or […]
From the Archives: Is Exercise a Part of Your Everyday Oral Care? (It Should Be – & Here’s Why)
Originally posted July 31, 2012 You know exercise is good for your body. You know it’s good for your heart and lungs and muscles. You may have read about how good it is for your brain. And you know what? It’s good for your teeth and gums, too. Yes, just like everything else you do […]
From the Archives: Food as Medicine? The Big Picture Matters
Originally posted February 26, 2013; updated For all the “health care” that happens in this country, we seem to have a real problem when it comes to preventive care – in dentistry or otherwise – even as all of our most common chronic conditions can be largely avoided. Yet, despite billions of dollars spent each […]