Not a day passes that you don’t see one news story or another about just how terrible this flu season is, stirring up a lot of anxiety. According to recent reports, this has more Americans reaching out for orange juice “in a frantic effort to avoid the illness.” Sales of the drink rose by 0.9%, […]
dental health
Fluoride Is No Silver Bullet Against Decay
An email alert recently brought our attention to some interesting new research on the effects of fluoride. Analyzing NHANES data, its author mapped out trends in caries (tooth decay), oral health related quality of life, and fluorosis among kids. Fluorosis is the result of too much fluoride. The teeth become spottily discolored and pitted. In […]
It’s Beyond Time to Address the Root Cause of Tooth Decay
At their recent meeting, the ADA made a big to-do over the 70th anniversary of fluoridation. “This is the most effective weapon in dentistry, I believe, to prevent not only tooth decay but mouth disease in general and overall health,” stated Raymond Gist, DDS, past ADA president, in a press release. Quite a claim about […]
“Very Little Contemporary Evidence” Supporting Water Fluoridation, Says New Review of the Science
Just because you say something is so doesn’t make it true. It doesn’t make mercury dental amalgam safe. It doesn’t make root canal teeth sterile and inert. And it certainly doesn’t make fluoridation an effective practice for preventing caries. The sore lack of evidence supporting fluoridation was brought into the foreground again with last week’s […]
Fluoridation: “Unacceptable Risk with Virtually No Proven Benefit”
You probably noticed the flurry of excitement last week over news items like this one, peppered with language like “new” and “first time since” and the like: But there are a couple problems with this. For one, there’s nothing especially new about it. The Department of Health and Human Services first made this recommendation in […]
Dental Woes, Depression & Inflammation
If you’ve experienced illness related to mercury amalgam fillings, you probably know all too well the mental effects that mercury exposure can cause: brain fog, irritability, anxiety, depression. But this is far from the only link between dental conditions and mental health – a fact revealed by intriguing new research published this past spring in […]
Trace Minerals for Your Teeth
The enamel coating that protects your teeth is 96% mineral – the highest mineral content in any human tissue. That makes it the strongest tissue in your body. But like any other tissue, you need to care for it – at least if you want it to stay healthy and whole. One of enamel’s fiercest […]
Fluoride Is “Your Friend”? No Way!
You don’t really expect to see a defense of fluoride on a website devoted to a healthy, green lifestyle. But there it was, in all its glory: Yet the very day this piece claimed that fluoride “causes people to have fewer and less severe cavities and suffer less pain associated with tooth decay,” this story […]