Oh yeah? Well, what if your home got flooded? Yes, it did. And what did it feel like to be rescued by Jet Ski by loving neighbors who we hadn’t even met until Harvey? Maybe these new friends didn’t notice my tear-stained cheeks, but I have no doubt that they did feel grateful hearts as […]
How the American Diet Is Looking These Days
How about some good news? According to new research in Obesity, folks have finally started cutting back on the sugary drinks. They’re also drinking more water, which – unlike soft drinks – your body actually needs. After all, it’s involved in every single metabolic process within. Analyzing data from 18,000 kids and 27,652 adults collected […]
Fat Still Isn’t the Bad Guy
You might remember the big to-do over coconut oil this past summer. Suddenly, headlines everywhere were screaming that coconut oil isn’t actually healthy, and you’re deluded if you think otherwise. Was there some new study that showed this? No, just a new “Presidential Advisory” from the American Heart Association that repeated the same old bad […]
Everything Old Is New Again – The Oral-Systemic Link
If you know Dr. Weston Price, it’s probably for his landmark research on how the modern Western diet affects the development and health of the teeth and jaws. Yet through his root canal research, he was also largely responsible for popularizing an idea called focal infection theory. This is the idea that local problems can […]
The Vaccine Scene, Judicial Hubris Edition
If you want a great, though challenging, read on how we wound up with the “health care” environment we’ve got today, give Ivan Ilich’s Medical Nemesis a whirl. Early on, Ilich comments on the “illusion” (his term) of doctors’ effectiveness. It’s a passage worth quoting at length: The infections that prevailed at the outset of […]
“It Must Spell the End of Fluoridation Worldwide” – New Study Links in Utero Fluoride Exposure to Lower IQ
For those who need even more evidence that dumping fluoride in our water supply in the name of “health” is a really bad idea, we just got more evidence that dumping fluoride in our water supply is a really bad idea. A new study in Environmental Health Perspectives found a link between IQ and exposure […]
Getting Rid of Dental Mercury: A Lot of Progress, a Long Way Yet to Go
It’s not a headline to be proud of, but it is a headline that should motivate more of us into action: Just how far behind are we? The 28-member European Union (EU), with an estimated population of over 510 million people, recently announced its decision to ban amalgam use in children under age 15, pregnant […]
The Consequences of Fluoridation
Despite the confident tone of organizations like the ADA and CDC, there’s actually precious little evidence that fluoridation does much to prevent caries – a point reinforced by recent research out of Chile. Chile, note the authors of a paper published earlier this year in the Medical Journal of Chile, “is a pioneer in the […]