A few years ago in the Houston Chronicle, State Representative Sarah Davis shared her views on the role of government in health care: As a proud Republican, I believe the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored. Personal freedom and limited government […]
Fluoridation: “Unacceptable Risk with Virtually No Proven Benefit”
You probably noticed the flurry of excitement last week over news items like this one, peppered with language like “new” and “first time since” and the like: But there are a couple problems with this. For one, there’s nothing especially new about it. The Department of Health and Human Services first made this recommendation in […]
Conventional vs. Organic vs. Raw Milk: What’s the Difference?
There are lots of reasons to opt for organic – health-focused, environmental, social and political. For one, it limits your exposure to pesticide and drug residues. Yes, drugs. That’s because livestock raised in extremely crowded conditions – as on industrial feedlots (CAFOs) – are routinely fed antibiotics, hormones and other drugs to both boost production […]
Taking a Stand Against Fluoridation
I asked my dentist … is there fluoride in the drinking water? And he said, yeah … it’s good for your teeth. So then I began to wonder, if it’s so good for your teeth, why am I, at 25 years old, having all these issues with my teeth?-Corey SturmerFounder, Durham Against Fluoride [pb_videoshowcase group=”3″] […]