There’s been a lot of great commentary on the mercury amalgam episode Dr. Oz aired a few weeks ago, including these reflections from Dr. Mercola, published just this week. We think one of the most compelling is the article below by Dr. Mark Breiner, a biological dentist and author of the excellent guide Whole-Body […]
silver fillings
Advances in Mercury Testing & Detox
If you follow us on Facebook or Twitter, you may have seen the new IAOMT video we posted last week – a powerful animation showing all the routes mercury can take from a dental office into the environment. Truly, even if you don’t have a single “silver” amalgam filling in your mouth, you’re still affected […]
One of the Most Eco-Friendly Things a Dentist Can Do
A most wonderful and amazing thing happened at the American Dental Association meeting earlier this fall: Some presenters advocated a move away from mercury amalgam fillings for the sake of both patient health and the environment. Hallelujah! The focus of the panel was “green dentistry,” which was presented as not just eco-friendly but “economically savvy.” […]
It’s Mercury-Free Dentistry Week
As we noted last week, much progress in the fight for mercury-free dentistry has been made from environmental concerns. After all, nearly 30 tons of mercury makes its way from dental offices into wastewater supplies every year. Of course, the most sensible – and cost-effective – way to prevent that is to not use mercury […]