Just because you say something is so doesn’t make it true. It doesn’t make mercury dental amalgam safe. It doesn’t make root canal teeth sterile and inert. And it certainly doesn’t make fluoridation an effective practice for preventing caries. The sore lack of evidence supporting fluoridation was brought into the foreground again with last week’s […]
public health
Sugar-Spun Dentistry
We all know – for we’ve heard it often enough – that sugar causes tooth decay (among a host of other health problems). That’s because it’s the preferred food of oral pathogens – bacteria such as S. mutans, fungi such as Candida and others. Their metabolic activity – eating, eliminating and multiplying – creates acidic […]
Fluoridation: Forced Medication Without Representation
Next month, the citizens of Portland will vote on whether they want fluoride added to their water or not – a referendum effort launched last year after the city council voted unanimously for fluoridation. The ballot measure is opposed by Sierra Club and other environmental groups. According to Portland TV station KATU, The groups […]