There are lots of reasons you might need to get a tooth extracted. It might be deeply diseased. Or it could be a root canal tooth – a dead tooth – that’s come to be a source of focal infection. (A focal infection is where the effects of illness show up far away from the […]
Dr. Hal Huggins’ Legacy to Biological Dentistry – and to Us
This past weekend, dentistry lost a legend: Dr. Hal Huggins. The author of such important books as It’s All in Your Head and Uniformed Consent – among many others – Dr. Huggins probably did more than anyone to bring attention to the problem of mercury toxicity from “silver” amalgam fillings, not to mention other dental […]
From the Archives: The Foundation of Healing from Mercury Amalgam & Other Dental Toxins
Originally posted September 18, 2012; updated If mercury fillings are so toxic, why doesn’t everyone who has them get sick? Why doesn’t everyone with long-term, chronic illness heal quickly once triggers such as root canal teeth or cavitations are removed or treated? Why do some people not heal at all – or even get sicker? […]
3 Videos: Cavitations & Whole Body Health
Every day more people are becoming aware of the health risks involved with mercury amalgam fillings and root canal teeth. Far fewer, however, are yet aware of one more common type of dental focus (an oral situation that contributes to illness elsewhere in the body): cavitations. “Cavitation” is the generic term used to describe both […]
Do You Really Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? (Guest Post)
Say you visit a doctor for a routine check-up. You have no complaints: no pain, no problems. But the doctor says, “You know, I think we’d better remove your appendix.” “Why?” you ask. “It might get inflamed or infected someday, at which point we’d have to do an appendectomy anyway. Besides, you don’t really need […]
When Chronic Illness Starts in the Jawbone
Like many people, Suzin Stockton discovered the link between oral and systemic health first hand – through her own health struggles. Her research and continuing education led her to biological dentistry and a deep understanding of how focal infection and other sources of oral and dental toxins undermine whole body health. As she says at […]
The Foundation of Healing from Mercury Amalgam & Other Dental Toxins
If mercury fillings are so toxic, why doesn’t everyone who has them get sick? Why doesn’t everyone with long-term, chronic illness heal quickly once triggers such as root canal teeth or cavitations are removed or treated? Why do some people not heal at all – or even get sicker? Maybe you’ve wondered about these things. […]
PRF: Faster Healing, Less Post-Op Discomfort
At the heart of biological dentistry, there’s a kind of interesting paradox. On the one hand, it’s grounded in leading edge technology and techniques; on the other, in ancient, traditional healing methods. Lasers and herbs. Digital x-rays and acupuncture. Nano-composites and nutritional wisdom. Because of the way biological dentistry brings together and synthesizes these practices, […]