It’s been drilled into our heads for years: To slim down, eat less and exercise more. Yet a new study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, found that people can share similar diet, exercise, sleep and appetite hormone patterns yet lose weight at different rates: those who ate early in the day shed pounds […]
Your Teeth & Vitamin D
For a few years now, we’ve been hearing a lot more about vitamin D – how crucial it is and how most people don’t get enough of it. The latter is especially true for those in northern climates with more of a winter since sunlight is a major source of this nutrient, turning the 7-dehydrocholestrol […]
Technology Leads to Overtreatment? Not in This Dental Office!
Maybe you, too, saw this headline a while back: It made a lot of us here in the office say “ouch!” – but not for the reasons the journalist responsible probably had in mind. It was a horrible representation of what modern dentistry offers – and of a not-so-new technology that offers a great service […]