We got a lot of feedback on the sugar post we ran a while back, many people asking if artificial sweeteners are okay to use instead. In a word, not really. (Okay, that was two.) But it depends on what kind of sugar substitutes we’re talking about. On the one hand, you’ve got your […]
Nutrition & Diet
Organics vs.GMOs
Did you see the article by Dr. Oz in Time last month? Surprisingly, he claimed that genetically modified foods (GMOs) were the same as organic, belittling organic food buyers and users as “snooty” and “elitists.” The odd thing is that it contains a seeming change of heart for Dr. Oz, since just last spring, an […]
Another Key Nutrient for Healthy Teeth & Bone: Vitamin K
Before the holidays, we told you about the role vitamin D plays in maintaining a healthy smile. Like magnesium, it helps your body better absorb and assimilate calcium. In fact, according to a 2011 study published in Nutrients, when it comes to improving bone health, this nutritional combo – D and calcium – proves better […]
Sugar & the Modern Food Environment
Sugar has one thing going for it: It makes things taste good. And it’s a taste we’re born to prefer. In the natural settings that human primate ancestors evolved in, sweetness intensity should indicate energy density, while bitterness tends to indicate toxicity. The high sweetness detection threshold and low bitterness detection threshold would have predisposed […]
Why Organic Food Matters (& How to Find It Close to Home)
If you follow the news, you probably ran into an item last week declaring that organic food is “no more nutritious” than conventionally raised food and thus “no better for you,” just more expensive. But as many have already noted, more nutrients aren’t the point. What matters is what’s not in organic food: synthetic pesticides […]
Foods that Promote Good Oral Health
This is not the first word nor the last word about nutrition, but it has good advice and information. Teeth go through a cyclical process of ‘mineralization’ or building and strengthening of tooth and bone, and ‘demineralization’ or loss of tooth minerals. Quite literally the food we eat will either help build strong teeth and […]