Earlier this year, two million people in 52 countries and 436 cities around the world declared our right to clean and real food by marching against agribusiness giant Monsanto. Here’s a glimpse of how it looked here in Houston back at the end of May: [pb_videoshowcase group=”11″] Now a second global march has […]
Nutrition & Diet
Making Food (& Food Products): 3 Great Reads
Three fascinating books about how food is prepared – whether by ourselves or global corporations – hit the market earlier this year. We think all three are worth your while, especially if, like most of our patients, you care deeply about how you feed your body, as well as your mind and spirit. The […]
Mercury Where You Least Expect It
Readers of this blog are enlightened about many things that others are unaware of – like the fact that so-called “silver” amalgam fillings are really 50% mercury. But the neurotoxin still shows up in even more surprising places. A can of soda, for instance. And for that, you can thank that most common of […]
Salt, Mercury & Autoimmune Disorders
Everything that lives needs salt. Salt regulates water content and blood pressure. It helps maintain acid-alkaline balance and supports the nervous system and adrenal glands. In the truest sense of the word, it is a vital mineral compound. Yet all salt is not created equal. Certainly, it all contains sodium, but sea salt contains […]
GMOs: Another Case for the Precautionary Principle
One thing that can be a little mind-blowing to realize about food is that whatever we eat, we also consume some of everything else it was exposed to during its lifetime. This is why we’re cautioned against eating some kinds of fish, for example. Bioaccumlative mercury moves up the food chain – from the […]
Even More Concern About GMO Corn
If you’re an American who eats conventionally grown and processed foods – even if rarely – chances are good you’ve ingested some GMO corn. Not only is 88% of domestic corn genetically modified, but derived products such as high fructose corn syrup and corn starch ensure that the stuff shows up even where you […]
Antibiotics Everywhere – Even in Your Food
No sooner had March begun than news spread about the rise of a new “superbug” that kills about half of all who contract it through bloodstream infections. Microbes like this one – called Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or “CRE” for short – are one result of the overuse and misuse of antibiotics. And it’s not just […]
Food as Medicine? The Big Picture Matters
For all the “health care” that happens in this country, we seem to have a real problem when it comes to preventive care – in dentistry or otherwise – even as all of our most common chronic conditions can be largely avoided. Yet, despite billions of dollars spent each year, rates of tooth decay, […]