Long ago and far away, before Facebook, before blogs, before email…there was the office newsletter. Recently, we ran across some issues of the one we published back in the 1980s, which we called Bite-Sized Pieces. Re-reading these after so long, we thought it might be fun to occasionally bring back some of Dr. Glaros’ articles […]
Nutrition & Diet
The Great GMO Spin Machine
The word of the day is…euphemism: a word or expression used to avoid sounding harsh, rude or blunt – “toupee” for “wig,” “passed away” for “died,” “silver fillings” for “mercury amalgam fillings.” That kind of thing. And sometimes, it’s about politeness, attempting to spare hurt or embarrassment. Other times, it’s about whitewashing or manipulating opinion. […]
From the Archives: Food as Medicine? The Big Picture Matters
Originally posted February 26, 2013; updated For all the “health care” that happens in this country, we seem to have a real problem when it comes to preventive care – in dentistry or otherwise – even as all of our most common chronic conditions can be largely avoided. Yet, despite billions of dollars spent each […]
Trace Minerals for Your Teeth
The enamel coating that protects your teeth is 96% mineral – the highest mineral content in any human tissue. That makes it the strongest tissue in your body. But like any other tissue, you need to care for it – at least if you want it to stay healthy and whole. One of enamel’s fiercest […]
From GMOs to Mercury, Change Is Change
Like many, we were really pleased to hear the news earlier this year that General Mills was going GMO-free with Cheerios – one of its top brands. The difference-maker? Consumer pressure, especially through social media – people just like us voicing their opposition to genetically engineered food, demanding better. Of course, it’s only original Cheerios […]
The Ongoing Fight for Healthy Food, Healthy People & a Healthy Planet
Despite the rain that pushed through the Houston area this past weekend, a good many folks still turned out for the local March Against Monsanto – an event replicated in 47 states, 50 countries and 500 cities around the globe. Up in St. Louis, hundreds demonstrated at the front door of Monsanto headquarters. Events like […]
9 Reasons to Demand Real Food
Our bodies are not designed to eat the kind of highly processed products sold by the giant food corporations, nor the synthetic chemical residues that cling to industrially raised produce, meat and dairy, nor genetically engineered foods that would never have developed in nature without human help. As one registered dietitian has put it, “The […]
11 Must-Reads on What Industrial Farming Has Wrought
GMOs are far from the only health and environmental risk industrial farming has wrought. The quest for profits through things like higher yields, faster and more dramatic growth cycles, and more uniform “product” has come with scant concern for how it might affect the overall health of plants or animals, quality of the food […]