Isn’t science wonderful, and isn’t the human body amazing? That the growth of live, nerve tissue can be recorded for our observation is miraculous. On the same level of amazement is the discovery that mercury ions so dramatically interfere with this biological process. On an even more miraculous plane is the fact that the FDA […]
Is Mercury Safe? You Decide
Amalgam is the single greatest dietary source of mercury. Only arsenic and lead are more toxic. Check out this preview of Robbert Gammal’s “Quecksilber” to learn more.
Dental Amalgams & Alternative Materials
In recent years the concern for potential health hazards associated with materials traditionally used in dental repairs and restorations has helped to cast a light on healthier alternatives, and so today there are a growing number of options available to all dentists. Metallic Materials Most everyone is familiar with that metallic glint that shines in […]
Closing Comments on Mercury-Free Dentistry Week
Sept. 9: Bottom line at the end of Mercury-free Dentistry Week: Refuse the placement of any new mercury-silver fillings. Getting it out of your mouth is another issue. Go slow…ly here. The mercury and vapor exposure possibilities are even at a higher risk during mercury filling removal. There are techniques that have been in practiced for decades […]
Interview with Dr. David Simone
Sept 7: Why are we using a toxic, antiquated material in dentistry? This is a great question. However, it is not as important as paying attention to the private, personal decisions you make to not have mercury placed or the decision for safe protective removal of mercury. Follow this great interview: By Dr. Mercola and […]
Campaign to End Use of Mercury Fillings
Sept. 6: Beyond and more important than the position defending and name-calling is the fact that mercury-fillings have had their day, and it is not today. We stopped using mercury in our practice in 1984 and others even earlier. Too bad the USA has had their head somewhere else; lets follow the lead of the […]
10 Questions to Ask a Dentist Before Scheduling to Remove Mercury Fillings
Here is some information that many of you know, and that others are quickly learning. No matter who the dentist is, if he/she goes to your church, coaches your children at camp, has children that you know and adore, etc., you need to know some important information about his/her beliefs and practice ideas. Do not […]
Would You Use a Substance that is Banned in Animals?
So what’s the message in today’s article by Dr. Maercola and Consumers for Dental Choice? You are special. You are in the minority, again. You know what the largest dental trade organization , ADA has to do. Stop promoting placement of mercury fillings. The FDA has the power and the knowledge, but apparently not the […]