When Dr. Glaros decided to make his practice mercury-free, it seemed a radical move. It was 1984. Most American dentists were blissfully unaware that dental amalgam was, in the words of Sam Ziff, a “toxic time bomb,” owing to its high mercury content. They didn’t understand that this potent neurotoxin is constantly released from amalgam […]
Safe Mercury Removal
Methods to reduce mercury vapor exposure to both patient and operators during amalgam removal Eye Protection for our patients as well as dentist and staff. Pre-treatment rinse with oral detox, then suction out; repeat when mercury fillings have meen removed. Drape patient in dental chair with disposable drape or oversized bib. Provide an alternative source […]
The FDA – Protecting Americans from Mercury Exposure?
Recent Warning Begs the Question: When will the FDA come to their senses about mercury amalgams? In its ongoing effort to protect the American public the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued an updated warning about skin care products, imported primarily from China, which may contain mercury, specifically anti-aging, skin-lightening beauty lotions and […]
The Only Safe Place
One Friday, I returned a call to a patient who was bringing her mom in for a dental appointment that coming Monday, as her mom had lost a mercury “silver” filling. She described how she’d picked up the filling with a latex glove, put it in a baggie and sealed it, and put both the […]
Heavy Metal Detoxification
Removing Mercury/Silver Amalgam Fillings is Only the First Step Heavy metals are absorbed by the body through the foods that we eat, fluids that we drink, through skin contact and directly into the lungs through inhalation. Over time as metals of dental restorations deteriorate due to use and/or trauma these heavy metals can leach into […]
Community Defeats Dental Mercury Polluter
Anytime a community can band together and stand up for what it believes in, it’s not only a big win for the community, but also a big win for similar communities across the nation. Spring Hill, Tennessee residents did just that recently, keeping one of the largest sources of mercury pollution out of it’s town […]
How Do You Know If You Are Mercury Toxic?
Loosely adapted from the book “Let the Tooth Be Known” by Dawn Ewing, R.D.H., Ph. D., N. D. The “amalgam” fillings most people have in their teeth are a mixture of silver, copper, tin and zinc with an equal amount of mercury (up to 50 percent mercury). Fillings deteriorate over time, leaching the various metal […]
The Fight for Mercury-Free Dentistry at the International Level
Negotiations continue as nations work to create a treaty on mercury Governments from around the world met in Nairobi, Kenya to negotiate an international treaty on mercury, sponsored by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The content of the mercury treaty, which will be finalized and adopted by 2013, has a broad scope of concern […]