Originally posted April 23, 2015 One of Dr. Glaros’ colleagues recently told us about a man who had contacted his office about getting his mercury amalgam fillings removed. He said he didn’t want them replaced, though. When asked why, he said that he was going to “remineralize” his teeth instead. He’d read all about it […]
Caries / Tooth Decay
Curing or Preventing Tooth Decay: Which Makes More Sense?
One of Dr. Glaros’ colleagues recently told us about a man who had contacted his office about getting his mercury amalgam fillings removed. He said he didn’t want them replaced, though. When asked why, he said that he was going to “remineralize” his teeth instead. He’d read all about it online. Whether this prospective patient […]
Sugar-Spun Dentistry
We all know – for we’ve heard it often enough – that sugar causes tooth decay (among a host of other health problems). That’s because it’s the preferred food of oral pathogens – bacteria such as S. mutans, fungi such as Candida and others. Their metabolic activity – eating, eliminating and multiplying – creates acidic […]
Xylitol Chewing Gum: Potentially Good, Not Magic
You hear it all the time: If you can’t brush your teeth, chew some sugarless gum. And these days, the advice often mentions xylitol-sweetened gum in particular. Because this sugar alcohol is believed to combat tooth decay, there are those who tout it as a kind of dental wonder, almost magic in its ability to […]
Should You Be Concerned About BPA in Composite (White) Fillings?
As the case for dental mercury grows weaker and weaker, you can see its champions changing tactics to support their use of this dental material. Instead of addressing evidence of its toxicity, they praise its longevity, durability and ease of use. They say that the mercury used in amalgam isn’t “the bad kind” (that […]
Dentin Defense: How Your Teeth Keep Themselves Healthy & Whole
Believe it or don’t, but the idea that sugar causes cavities? Not exactly true. So why are dentists so down on the stuff? Because it’s the favorite food of the pathogenic microbes that cause tooth decay and gum disease, and as they say, what goes in must come out. In this case, what comes […]
Eating Well for Healthy Teeth – Not Just “What” but “When” & “How”
It’s been drilled into our heads for years: To slim down, eat less and exercise more. Yet a new study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, found that people can share similar diet, exercise, sleep and appetite hormone patterns yet lose weight at different rates: those who ate early in the day shed pounds […]
Your Teeth & Vitamin D
For a few years now, we’ve been hearing a lot more about vitamin D – how crucial it is and how most people don’t get enough of it. The latter is especially true for those in northern climates with more of a winter since sunlight is a major source of this nutrient, turning the 7-dehydrocholestrol […]