Earlier this month, the global mercury treaty we’ve been talking about – formally known as the Minimata Convention on Mercury – was finally signed. Although the government shut-down meant no US officials took part, the event was largely ceremonial. Each of the 140 nations that vowed to join have up to a year to […]
The Ongoing Fight for Healthy Food, Healthy People & a Healthy Planet
Despite the rain that pushed through the Houston area this past weekend, a good many folks still turned out for the local March Against Monsanto – an event replicated in 47 states, 50 countries and 500 cities around the globe. Up in St. Louis, hundreds demonstrated at the front door of Monsanto headquarters. Events like […]
9 Reasons to Demand Real Food
Our bodies are not designed to eat the kind of highly processed products sold by the giant food corporations, nor the synthetic chemical residues that cling to industrially raised produce, meat and dairy, nor genetically engineered foods that would never have developed in nature without human help. As one registered dietitian has put it, “The […]
11 Must-Reads on What Industrial Farming Has Wrought
GMOs are far from the only health and environmental risk industrial farming has wrought. The quest for profits through things like higher yields, faster and more dramatic growth cycles, and more uniform “product” has come with scant concern for how it might affect the overall health of plants or animals, quality of the food […]
Standing Up to the GMO Racket
Earlier this year, two million people in 52 countries and 436 cities around the world declared our right to clean and real food by marching against agribusiness giant Monsanto. Here’s a glimpse of how it looked here in Houston back at the end of May: [pb_videoshowcase group=”11″] Now a second global march has […]
Mercury-Free Is Winning
As we noted last time, although dental amalgam is addressed in UNEP’s global mercury treaty, an enormous amount of work remains to be done. More consumers must be informed that those “silver” fillings are nothing of the sort – and why it matters to their health and the health of our planet. Policymakers must […]
A Toothless Treaty?
Early this year, the global mercury treaty we told you about a while back was passed, adopted by 140 nations. Though hard work got dental amalgam into the treaty, much more remains to be done to get mercury out of dentistry completely. In the following commentary, DAMS executive director Leo Cashman explains just why […]
Cancer & the Trouble of Too Much Medicine
Earlier this summer, a working group of the National Cancer Institute said we need a new definition of cancer. Its recommendations were published in JAMA this past July. “We need a 21st-century definition of cancer instead of a 19th-century definition of cancer, which is what we’ve been using,” Dr. Otis W. Brawley of the […]