We honor the Mouth Body Connection and respect the fact that what we do as dentists in and around the mouth may very well impact the rest of the body.
We strive to avoid potentially toxic or harmful materials like non-precious metals, mercury, fluoride and BPA.
We employ intentional protocols for the safe and proper removal of existing toxic or harmful materials.
We acknowledge the risks of certain invasive procedures like root canals, implants and extractions and have modified and/or enhanced our protocols to account for these risks.
We take pride in the cleanliness of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the surfaces we touch and the instruments we handle.
We recognize that everyone is unique – what is toxic or harmful for one person may have no impact on another. There are many ways to determine the safety of dental materials. We will help you choose the route that is best for you.
We believe that the mouth is far more than teeth and gums. In addition to standard diagnostics, we look at the entire functional capacity of the oral cavity, assessing airway and breathing, posture, the initiation of digestion, energetic flow along meridians, and hidden infections.
We prefer to offer conservative and minimally invasive treatment options when appropriate.
We do our best to limit pharmaceuticals as much as possible. When appropriate, we use alternatives such as homeopathics, essential oils, nutritional supplements, diet and lifestyle modification.
We seek to empower ongoing dental wellbeing through our Holistic Hygiene Program which is built upon nutrition, skilled and diligent home care and compassionate in office care.
We utilize state of the art technology for both diagnosis and treatment. The technologies we employ help us hone our diagnoses, boost efficiency, increase patient comfort, and improve patient healing and outcomes.
We strive to see patients of all ages and backgrounds. However, sometimes a patient is a little too wiggly or has a health condition that would be best served by a specialist.
We work in tandem with like-minded medical practitioners who support our patients nutritionally, mentally and emotionally, with detoxification, and many other possible complementary therapies. (referral network list)